Personality Disorders Lesson

Teacher Candidate: Emily Wold     Location: Lab     
Class and Grade Level:Psychology 11-12th Grade
Daily Lesson Topic:   Cluster A Personality Disorders
Unit:  Psychological Disorders
Standards:  2.3 Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of personality disorders
Objectives:  SWBAT recognize and describe the symptoms of Cluster A personality disorders.
Instructional strategy: Problem based learning
Modification/accommodation: Add visual elements for ELL students and pair them with students that will help them with the large amount of text, add more files or split the files up among the groups with larger class sizes
Materials:  folders, case study handouts, field journal handout, fax handout, lined sticky notes

Description of Each Phase of the Lesson Plan
Brief Reflection/Explanation
2 mins
Introduction: The teacher will welcome the students and explain to them that they are psychologists at a prestigious Wenona Clinic. They have just received 3 case files from the head psychologist at the clinic who has requested the student’s help. The files contain information about clients but the head psychologist has a heavy case load and wants assistance in figuring out which disorder best fits each client. The teacher will explain to the students that it is their job to determine a preliminary diagnosis of the clients in the files.
By getting the students in the mindset that they are actual real-life psychologists, it will help make the rest of the project more authentic. It will also serve as the foundation of the project and set the stage for the instruction and practice stage.
23 mins

Instruction & Practice:  The students will be split into even groups and will be given copies of the 3 files. The students will also be given a note-taking field journal to help guide their thinking. The field journal will require the students to make notes about the behaviors and perceived thinking/cognition of the clients.

Once the students have examined the information in the files, they will be given a fax from the head psychologist saying that he has narrowed the potential disorders down to 3: Paranoid, Schizoid, or Schizotypal personality disorders.

In their small groups, the students will make a decision for which disorder fits each case file. They will write this decision on large sticky notes and will also list the reasons why they believe that disorder fits the case file best.
I wanted the students to take on an authentic role and have them actively think and problem solve a potentially real-world situation. I placed the students in groups so they can work collaboratively about the case files. I also provided a note taking guide to help guide the reading process.
5 mins
Closure/Wrap Up: 
The students will be asked to make a group consensus on the possible diagnosis for the three clients. The decision must include reasons why that disorder fits that case file.

The students will be told that their decision will be sent off to the head psychologist for his final decision.

This closure allows students to work together to come up with a group consensus about the three case files they were working on. It also brings the lesson full-circle by “completing the mission” of helping the head psychologist be correctly labeling the disorders.

The teacher will be able to assess the amount of understanding that the students have on the Cluster A disorders based on their decision for which disorder fits each case file and it will be reinforced by their reasons why they made that decision.
By having the students turn in their field journals, I can get a better understanding on where each student is at and how much information on the disorders was obtained from participating in the activity. I can also gain insight on how well the groups understood the rationale behind the disorders by looking at the reasons the students provided about the disorders.
Holt Psychology: Principles in Practice Textbook